Getting Ready to Go... the High Point show in North Carolina! I am so excited, as always, to go and see the vast array of furniture and ideas! I'll be coming back completely inspired, so be sure to check this blog for all the photos and new ideas!  Here are a few companies I know I will be visiting:

Hickory Chair

Hickory Chair

Mary McDonald

Mary McDonald



So much gorgeous design to explore! (like a kid in a candy store! ;)



Highpoint Fall 2012

Just got back from Highpoint with loads of ideas. What I noticed most about the vignettes created by vendors was the use of color. Whether it is a traditional room, casual room, kids room or adult- all I saw was ORANGE!

We started out our day at a seminar on trends. One interesting concept was proportion and scale. By the end of next year we will see more oddly, but interesting plays on the sizing of furniture and accessories. I just love this look.  We started seeing it at market this fall.

Notice the huge urn on the small sidetable.

The floor lamp with the jolly green giant's shade and skinny base sits next to a standard size sofa.

The paisley print is enormous on this 6'x9' rug.

The tassle on steriods hanging from light fixture.

Check out the pulls!

This market wicker and natural fibers are making a comeback in furniture.

What great fun! If you are interested in purchasing any of these great new items, shoot me an email!

See you...
