A Day in Chelsea

We spent a very relaxing day looking at art galleries in Chelsea.  Sometimes I feel I am looking at the Emporer's new clothes, other times it is just what you expect from NYC. Loved some of the paintings at the Stephan Haller Gallery. Works by Llyod Martin

Larry Vox

Red Hat print at James Cohan Gallery,artist is Sarah Rara.

How great to put original pieces of art in children's rooms. The pieces at Praxis International Art was young and fun...

See you..


Art created from children's shoes

At the intersection of Main Street and Maple Ave, in Armonk,  is an incredible frame shop,Framings. Every work day, I stop at the intersection before turning into the parking lot for Cici Crib. Yesterday, I couldn't keep my eyes off of a large piece that was in her shop window. Cars behind me honked. So I quickly turned and parked and marched right over to Judy and Carter's jewel of a shop.  Not only are they some of the nicest people I have met, but also some of the most talented.

Judy told me she completed this project  for a designer. The designer had saved all her daughter's shoes and Judy created this long shadowbox. I think it is about 12 feet long. I can imagine it will be hung in a bedroom,playroom, really anywhere..

It is so sweet. It really tells a story from the parent's excitement of having a baby girl to her first walking shoe, a ballet slipper, a trip to Disney World  to a the last shoe, that perhaps the little girl picked out. A black rugged hiking shoe.

I hope the Mom keeps the shadowbox. Fast forward 25 years.. Wouldn't it be nice to see in her granddaughter's nursery.....

See you..
